LCA Structure
For the 2023-2024 school year, LCA exists as a blended learning educational option. This option combines in-person and at home learning and offers more flexible scheduling at a lower cost to families.
What LCA provides:
Enrollment in a National Department of Education recognized school.
Registration with your local school board as a student attending a private school.
Bi-weekly instruction in new skills and concepts. (Monday and Thursday, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM)
Assignments, grading and record keeping in core subjects.
Personal contact information of your child’s instructors for assistance between sessions.
All necessary textbooks, workbooks, school supplies, tests and quizzes, etc.
Library of non-fiction, fiction, and resource materials for session use and checkout.
What YOU provide:
On-time tuition payments.
School fee equal to cost of consumables for your particular student(s).
At home assistance, oversight and encouragement, including monitoring lesson completion.
Physical education class for enrolled high school students.
The ideal LCA student will exhibit the following characteristics:
Self-motivated, organized, willing to learn and ask questions, open to receiving instruction, able to spend blocks of time working independently, and possessing a flexible nature. Your student may not come to LCA with all of these characteristics. However, we will work together on these as a goal.
Core courses offered:
Foreign Language (through Abeka Academy for enrolled High School students)
Language Arts
Penmanship (including intro to cursive)
Electives offered:
Music and Art Appreciation
LCA students will be offered opportunities to participate in special volunteer projects, including: Agape, care packages for soldiers and nursing homes, Good Samaritan, Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box.
Group field trips will be scheduled throughout the school year.
LCA Mission Statement
It is the desire of Logan Christian Academy to provide a quality, Christian education in a safe environment for the students of our area. We strive to nurture students to become spiritually minded, academically versed, socially balanced and equipped to make a positive impact in their community to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
School-Wide PBIS: How LCA Supports Positive Behavior
Logan Christian Academy operates on a school-wide behavior rewards system, otherwise known as a PBIS, which stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. A PBIS is a consistent way to recognize and reward students for making good choices throughout the day. PBIS rewards have a proven positive impact on the overall school culture and climate. A successful system is instrumental in setting our students up for success, both academically and socially.
The PBIS sets recognized, easily understood expectations and is used consistently school-wide. Setting expectations is the heart of this system, changing the focus on behaviors from the negative to the positive. For example, students will be rewarded for recognized acts of kindness, showing respect to others, and for working quietly during classroom reading times, etc.
Some rewards will be classroom-based and may include such things as picking items from a treasure box or acting as the teacher’s helper for the day. Other rewards could include the student earning LCA bucks. LCA bucks can be spent in the LCA student store. Students may choose to save their LCA bucks to purchase larger ticket items from the store or redeem them for smaller items as they wish.
LCA is committed to providing a school environment that reinforces the rewards of positive actions. Our PBIS enables us to do this effectively and consistently, in a fun and engaging way.
Educational Philosophy
A Christian View of Reality: Christian education is built upon a Christian view of what is real and true about the world in which we live. Why? Only Christianity provides a sufficient framework in which to view the predicament of human existence. Christian education places God as the central reality of life that gives meaning to everything else.
A Christian View of Knowledge and Truth: Education, in general, deals with the communication of knowledge and truth. Christian education differs greatly from secular philosophies in regard to the nature, source, and validity of knowledge. Christian education espouses a God-centered theory of knowledge. For Christians, knowledge is based upon what is true, and what is true is based upon God. God is the source of all truth.
A Christian Approach to Education: Christian education seeks to restore what was lost in the fall. The purpose of Christian education, then, is the restoration of the image of God in each learner and the reconciliation of the learner with God and with other people. In addition, Christian education also focuses on character development, the acquisition of knowledge, worldview development, job training, and the development of students who are spiritually, physically and socially healthy. It is important to note that Christian education is not limited to teaching the Bible. Christian education is an education system built upon and guided by the philosophical and theological truths found in the Bible.
A Christian Curriculum: The Bible is the foundation of the curriculum at LCA. This does not mean that students only study scripture, but establishes the Bible as the foundational and contextual document for all curricular choices. Much truth exists outside of the Bible, but it is most important to note that no truth exists outside the philosophical framework of the Bible. LCA’s curriculum will continually be shaped to represent the best available educational theory and practice that facilitates both the acquisition of important content and the development of thinking skills.
A Christian Learning Environment: The environment in which educators operate should be caring and non-competitive, with high expectations for achievement. Key features of the learning environment should include:
• Development of students’ understanding of the learning process and their personal learning styles
• Thematic, integrated units which develop students’ multiple intelligences and which incorporate authentic life situations
• Authentic use of educational technologies and the internet
• Various forms of assessment: report cards, portfolios, exhibitions, testing
• A faith-based, culturally engaged Christian perspective
LCA seeks to provide opportunities for every child to develop spiritually, cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically. It is our goal to partner with parents and to form a relationship with each family in order to better serve the child’s individual needs. We believe that young children learn best through age-appropriate hands-on activities and through exploring their environment. We believe that learning is more likely to occur when children become personally engaged with the material and perceive the material to be relevant to their own lives. We believe it is essential to balance hands-on activities with a Biblically-based curriculum, which focuses on the Bible, Phonics, Numbers, and other key developmental skills. It is the objective of LCA to offer a balanced curriculum that encourages the development of the whole child.
LCA Student Health Statement
In order for LCA to provide such a quality education, our faculty and staff will work diligently to ensure that each student is growing in the following five areas of health - spiritual, mental, social, physical and academic. Recognizing that our bodies are God's living temple, students are encouraged to practice an honorable and balanced lifestyle in which all aspects of human health are practiced daily.
1. Spiritual Health - Students model lives of purity in thought, word and deed while revealing Godly character when confronted with contemporary issues (such as drugs, alcohol, smoking, and sexuality).
2. Mental Health - Students understand that God calls us to a lifestyle of wonder, discovery, and creativity. They seek God's guidance and comfort and that of the Godly people around them when facing trials and decisions.
3. Social Health - Students apply Biblical principles of respect for all people including authority figures and peers. They also embrace and demonstrate the value of teamwork, discipline, and competition.
4. Physical Health - Students practice and value the benefits of regular exercise and are active participants in a wide range of physical activities. They are motivated to participate to their highest potential. Students also practice health, nutritional and personal hygiene habits.
5. Academic Health - Students engage in active learning through class participation, lesson completion, supplemental learning and extra-curricular studies in an effort to become passionate, life-long learners with wide-ranging interests.
LCA Dress Code Policy
LCA recognizes the relationship between personal dress and personal attitude and students are encouraged to dress in a manner that demonstrates modesty and cleanliness. You can view the dress code policy here.
LCA Non-Discrimination Policy
LCA admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. LCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its' educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Employment at LCA
LCA seeks to employ faculty and staff that will work passionately to accomplish the mission of LCA. If you are interested in learning more about LCA's mission and core values, work culture, and open positions, please contact our school office. You can find our employment application here.