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It is the honor of LCA's directors to enroll families who desire an education for

their children which is consistent with the mission of the school. The directors of

education and administration have sole and absolute authority over the admission and/or dismissal of any student, except where otherwise provided in LCA policies. Please see our 2022/2023 Student Application to review our school policies.

Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year

Open Enrollment will begin on April 21, 2023 for the 2023/2024 school year.
Spots are extremely limited.  Contact LCA by email with any enrollment questions.


​Download your child's Enrollment Application by clicking here.


If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the school office at 270-946-1316.


Once you have completely filled out the application you may drop it off at the school office (152 N. Blakey Street) or mail the forms, along with your enrollment application fee, to P.O. Box 1252, Russellville, KY 42276.


Please contact the school

office with any questions.


​Obtain a copy of your child's birth certificate and social security card.  These documents are required at the time of your family interview.



Our school calendar is available at the school office for anyone enrolling a student for the

2023-2024 school year.

You do NOT have to submit your child's Shot Records with the application, you can bring those with you

to the family interview. Once LCA has processed your enrollment application we will contact you

to schedule your family interview. No enrollment application shall be considered complete without 

the enrollment fee and all enrollment application pages signed and dated.

LCA Waiting List Policy

LCA offers two Waiting List options for families interested in future enrollment at LCA. 


"Soft" Waiting List Option:

This list is more for parents who are considering enrolling their child in LCA, but are not yet ready to make a full commitment. In order to place your child on the LCA "Soft" Waiting List, LCA will need the parent(s)/guardian's name, the child's name, child's entering grade, child's age, parent(s)/guardian's address, child's address, parent(s)/guardian's phone number and parent(s)/guardian's email. Once you have provided that information LCA will add that child to that grade's waiting list for the year in which you would like to enroll them. There are no guarantees that they will be enrolled, since enrollment spots go first to the students already attending LCA who re-enroll and then to the students on the "firm" waiting list. However, we will always make the best attempt to enroll any children on our waiting lists.



"Firm" Waiting List Option:

In order to place your child on the LCA "Firm" Waiting List, LCA will need the parent(s)/guardian to fill out and submit the child's enrollment application, but mark that you are NOT enrolling them until the ___ school year. The parent(s)/guardian would need to send in the child's enrollment application along with the enrollment fee. This fee will be refunded to you if LCA is not able to accommodate the child for that year. If you decide to remove your child from the "firm" waiting list prior to your chosen school year, you forfeit the enrollment fee. The children on our "firm" waiting list will be placed in the classroom after LCA students who re-enroll and before those students on the "soft" waiting list.


Please contact LCA if you have any other questions! We appreciate your interest in joining LCA!

LCA does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to education for all of our students.

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School Number: 270-893-4375 or 270-731-6159



152 N. Blakey Street

Russellville, KY 42276

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